It is with great pleasure that I now watch my little four year old and his love for......sharks. I should say obession with sharks. Long-nose chimera, thresher, lemon, black/white tip reef, goblin, and bull shark (just to name a few) are incorporated into every day activities and conversations. Whether we are crossing the I-90 bridge ("I just saw a bull shark"), brushing our teeth ("This water goes to the ocean for the sharks"), or swiming at the YMCA ("Let's scuba dive with the sharks"), he finds a way to keep sharks in the mix.
Courtesy of a tip from an old high school friend (thank you Lorraine), we headed to the Point Defiance Zoo & Acquarium the other day where there is a shark tank.....jackpot! While our little guy watched nurse sharks, lemon sharks and black tip reef sharks (as well as some very scared fish) swim around for a very long time, my wife and I simply watched the look of amazement on his face knowing it will not last forever.
Because of a great gift from our good friend Cathy, he now can also sleep every night with sharks - ok, it is a shark puppet, but every night it keeps our little guy company. I believe the other half dozen stuffed animals sleep with one eye open now that there is a shark in the bed.